There is a seriously long, detailed and most likely excrutiatingly boring blog entry building up. Not yet, though.
Instead, let's just say -- how 'bout them Bucs?
Nice to see the locals winning some games, even though it's virtually impossible for them to get back in the race this year. Not that there'll actually BE a race this year. I expect MLB to walk out the day after the Bucs reach 500.
I don't think I've ever been to fewer Pirate games than this year. Maybe three. Maybe. Usually I'm good for about 15 - 20 games a year. Last year's dismal performance, combined with the idiocy of the front office (raise ticket prices after losing 100 games? sheesh.) really dampened my enthusiasm. Last year, for the first time, attending Pirate games was just no fun. Bleak. The new stadium is beautiful, and I'm sure would be loads of fun if the team were even remotely competitive, but yikes. Just awful. I even managed to enjoy the George Hendrick/Sammy Khalifa era -- but last year was about as fun as a trip to the dentist.
Who, come to think of it, I'd better visit while I still have dental coverage.
How's that for issue avoidance?